About Us
How it all Began...
I, Laura Hanock, have been a teacher for more than a decade and have prided myself in making my classroom a place of peace, joy, creativity and success. When we were thrown into this crazy new COVID world, I knew that I needed to do something to help keep my students feeling connected. So, I got busy!
I created Empowerment Affiliates. Welcome to Empowerment Affiliates! This is the home of where we empower others by teaching life skills by flexing our creative muscles through fun, interactive, online learning classes. It is my mission to provide highly engaging online opportunities for students to increase their appetite for learning and discovery. In doing so, I believe that I can show people of all ages that they are capable of great things! By trying new things, embracing mistakes, learning from them and loving the end result is a way to do away with victimization and eradicating the damsel in distress mentality.
I wanted to create opportunities for children and adults to learn to do things that they never thought possible. My goal is to give parents another hour (or more) of extra time, where they don’t need to worry about the content in which their child is engaging. I wanted to offer something more than just mindless scrolling. I wanted to create a space that fostered family engagement and bonding time.

Our Mission
EngagED Technology Solutions is committed to providing highly engaging online opportunities for students to increase their appetite for learning and discovery.

Our Vision
Everyone is creative and everyone is capable of great things. We want to help people to flex their creativity muscles, helping them to realize that fact. We learning online to be interactive and engaging.